
It’s a day of empowerment for the body of Christ as we move closer to the dayPASTOR-LEMMY of His return. The whole essence of fulfilling the desire of Christ in becoming wiser than the sons of this world lies in developing our spiritual senses, building our capacity to draw down from eternity and deploying heavenly resource for the benefit of the Kingdom of God.

It takes grace for the mature sons of God to partner with Him in engaging the mountain of economy. Shifting the perspective of the body of Christ from a ‘churchcentric’ to a ‘Christcentric’ one, where issues of economy are concerned.

That ‘the wealth of the wicked must be laid up for the righteous’, guarantees our pursuit of righteousness in the sphere of Kingdom management.

Advance Kingdom Impact Network (AKIN) is committed to equipping the Body of Christ for the Global Marketplace. The harvest truly is ripe but the laborers are few. To achieve this mission, we seek God ordained covenant partnership beginning from Africa where we are currently domiciled.

Through our Advance Kingdom Institute of Management (AKIM), we are releasing powerful Kingdom resource to equip market place leaders in a strategic way. AKIM has developed kingdom business management modules to help reorder our philosophy for the Kingdom of God.

We desire to build healthy covenant relationship with individuals and ministries in keeping faith with our commitment to equipping the body of Christ.


Dr.Lemmy Oare Russel